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蒂娜太喜歡他的新襪子了,她發誓每天都要穿著它們,但它們開始聞起來非常非常臭,因為蒂娜不願意把它們脫下來——甚至不洗。孩子們終於把蒂娜拖到河邊,要求她洗臭襪子,難聞的氣味趕走了所有的魚。蒂娜的媽媽送給她一件新襯衫,作為終於把襪子洗乾淨的獎勵。 蒂娜非常喜歡這件襯衫,她發誓永遠不會脫下它
Tina's new socks are so wonderful she vows to wear them every day But they begin to smell really, really bad because Tina will not take them off -- even to be washed. The kids finally drag Tina down to the river and make her wash those stinky socks, driving away all the fish with the nasty odour Tina's mom gets her a new shirt as a reward for finally getting her socks clean. A shirt Tina loves so much, she vows never, ever to take it off
作者:Munsch, Robert N.
繪圖者:Martchenko, Michael
頁數 / Page:32
裝訂 / Bookbinding:平裝/Paper back
尺寸 / Size :24.9 x 19.8 x 0.8 cm
Grade – Upper Elementary
Level - Intermediate Reading/Conversation Skills
Reading longer articles / magazines / short chapter books
Month 2 Issues
Episodes 1-2 – Tales of the West
Episodes 3-4 – Disaster
Level 3 is for upper elementary school students who are reading longer magazine articles or are starting to read chapter books. The subjects and vocabulary are more mature, suitable for this age range. The focus is on the harder words and phrases that we know many Taiwanese students may not be familiar with at this age. The pace is quicker, and these interesting stories and themes open up the conversation even more. We also welcome Jr. high students to join for some great conversation and fun practice.
Month 2 -Issue 1
Tales of the West
第一堂 - 文章
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Tales of the West – Introduction Page
It’s Junior Rodeo Time – Photo Essay
Covered Wagons – Nonfiction
Tale故事, West 美國西部, Photo Essay專題攝影, Covered Wagons 有篷的馬車, Scary Story 恐怖故事, Lumberjack 伐木工人, Carve 雕刻, Hail 冰雹, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Whopper大謊言, Junior Rodeo 少年牛仔競技表演, Whoop 吶喊, Holler 叫喊, Contest 比賽, Buckaroo 牛仔(俚語), Ride A Steer 騎馬, Bucking Beast 暴衝難馴的猛獸, Barrel Race 繞桶比賽, Tumble 翻滾, Give Chase開始追逐, Breakaway Calf Roping 用套索套住逃脫的小牛, Lasso 用套索捕捉(牛,馬等), Mutton Riding 騎綿羊, Bareback Event 不用馬鞍的騎乘活動, Saddle 鞍, Bronco 野馬, Bronco Busting 馴馬, Tame 馴服 Covered Wagons 有篷大馬車, Pioneers 先鋒, Trail 小徑, Prairie 草原, Sea Of Grass 草海, Canvas Tops 帆布車蓋, Prairie Schooner 大草原縱帆船(指:草原篷車)
第二堂 - 文章
Whoppers Stretch the Truth – Tall Tales
The Diary of Clare Brown – Diary
Campfire Chorus – Group Play
Gather Round the Campfire – Poem
Puzzle it Out – Compound Word Puzzles
Tall Tales 荒唐的故事, Diary 日記, Play 戲劇/話劇, Exaggerate 誇大, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Rugged Worker 粗曠的工人, Outdo The Other 超越對方, Logging Camps 伐木營, Leave His Mark 留下標記, Great Lakes 五大湖, Keelboat Captain 龍骨船長, Shore 岸邊, Overflow 溢出, Cyclone 龍卷風, Squeeze 擠壓, Twister 龍卷風, Carve Out 雕刻出, Grand Canyon 大峽谷, Slave 奴隸, Freedom自由, Worn Out 疲憊不堪的, Slavery 奴隸制, Chorus 合唱, Settle 定居, Chinese Railroad Worker 鐵路工人, Stranger 陌生人, Cattle 牛, Panic 恐慌, Stampede 亂竄狂奔, Have It Rough 過得很艱辛, Pick & Shovel 鋤頭和鏟子, Blasting Powder 爆炸火藥, Antelope 羚羊, Discouraging Word 令人洩氣的話, Strum A Banjo 彈奏班鳩琴, Weave A Tale 編織故事, Glint 閃爍
Month 2 - Issue 2
第一堂 - 文章
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Disaster – Introduction Page
Nature’s Fury – Photo Essay
A Storm to Remember – Realistic Fiction
Puzzle it Out – Synonyms
Disaster 災難, Strike 侵襲, Earthquakes地震, React應對, Nature’s Fury 大自然的反撲, Natural 自然的, Destructive Events 破壞性事件, Volcano 火山, Tornado 龍捲風, Tsunami 海嘯, Magma 岩漿, Lava 熔岩, Ash 灰燼, Whirling Funnel Cloud 旋轉龍捲雲, Plow Through 撞過, Splinter 碎片/裂成碎片, Fierce 凶猛的, Damage 損害, Huge Sections 巨大的部分, Pressure 壓力, Warning Systems 預警系統, Hurricane Warning 颶風警報, Shutters 百葉窗, Storm Cellar 防風窖, Silence 寧靜, Eye of The Storm 風暴之眼/颶風中心, The Storm Raged 風暴肆虐, Terrible 糟糕的
第二堂 - 文章
Train Wreck – Radio Play
On the Way to School – Comic Strip
Rusty to the Rescue – News Feature
Don’t Let Disasters Get You Down – Poem
Narrator 旁白, Program 節目, Tracks 軌道, Screeching 尖叫著, Warn Them 警示他們, Railroad 鐵路系統, Dash Into The Doorway 衝進門道, As Fast As Lightning 快如閃電, Flow 流動, Made A Hiss 發出嘶嘶聲, Search And Rescue Team 搜救專對, Respond To Disasters 應對災害, Buried Under Rubble 被埋在瓦礫下, Animal Shelter 動物收容所, Abandon 拋棄, His Future Was Uncertain 他的未來是渺茫的, Trained 訓練(過去式), High Spirits 熱情, Bravery 勇氣, Devoted To 奉獻給, Eager To Please 渴望討好, Survivor 生還者, Ruins 廢墟, Shift 輪班工作時間, Weary 疲倦的, Keep His Spirits High 振作精神, Victim 受難者, Alert 使警覺, Reward 獎賞, Get You Down 讓你沮喪, Oversleep 睡過頭, Terrible 糟糕的