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蒂娜太喜歡他的新襪子了,她發誓每天都要穿著它們,但它們開始聞起來非常非常臭,因為蒂娜不願意把它們脫下來——甚至不洗。孩子們終於把蒂娜拖到河邊,要求她洗臭襪子,難聞的氣味趕走了所有的魚。蒂娜的媽媽送給她一件新襯衫,作為終於把襪子洗乾淨的獎勵。 蒂娜非常喜歡這件襯衫,她發誓永遠不會脫下它


Tina's new socks are so wonderful she vows to wear them every day But they begin to smell really, really bad because Tina will not take them off -- even to be washed. The kids finally drag Tina down to the river and make her wash those stinky socks, driving away all the fish with the nasty odour Tina's mom gets her a new shirt as a reward for finally getting her socks clean. A shirt Tina loves so much, she vows never, ever to take it off


作者:Munsch, Robert N.

繪圖者:Martchenko, Michael

頁數 / Page:32

裝訂 / Bookbinding:平裝/Paper back

尺寸 / Size :24.9 x 19.8 x 0.8 cm


Smelly Socks

庫存單位: N7-04
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