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程度:基礎閱讀/會話能力 – 可閱讀短           篇文章/故事/短詩

Shine Online  會話俱樂部

Shine Online Conversations是一週一次的互動式線上會話俱樂部,是為了與孩子進行更多的對話而設計的。

加入我們,每周一起在線上交談!每個月在您報名之後,將收到Shine Online 雜誌教材。雜誌將幫助孩子們為線上會話課做好準備。此課程使用的雜誌是在台灣撰寫的,因此在主題上都結合了台灣本地與外國的觀點。雜誌中使用的英語詞彙經過精心設計,適合正在學習英語的台灣學生。以每篇文章當開頭,隨後會展開主題相關的討論與對話。



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程度:基礎閱讀/會話能力 – 可閱讀短篇文章/故事/短詩

Wonder Issue 1

會話課 第一期刊

第1-3堂 -  What's in a Name

第4-6堂 - On the Farm

Wonder Issue 1
主題1 - What's in a Name

第1堂 -文章

  • Who gave you your English name? 

  • How many English names have you had? 

  • Do you have a short and a long version of your name? 

  • What does your name mean? 

  • Can you change your name? 

  • Individual Reading – My Last English Name 

  • Make an Acrostic Poem – Use an adjective starting with each of the letters in your name to describe yourself 


movie star 明星, kindergarten 幼兒園, is short for 縮寫, favorite 最喜歡的, picks him last 最後選他, fortune teller 算命師, lucky name 幸運名, list of names 名單, basketball player 籃球員, acrostic poem 離合詩, describing word 描述詞

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第2堂 - 文章

  • Compound Words – What are some animal names that just put 2 words together, like dragonfly. 

  • Individual Reading – My New Puppy’s Name 

  • How to make a gamertag. 

  • Names Freestyle – Learn a freestyle rap using names


freestyle 說唱的一種風格, lay it down 表演, compound word 複合詞, adjective 形容詞, Goldfish 金魚, catfish 鯰魚, swordfish 劍魚, dragonfly 蜻蜓, firefly 螢火蟲, ladybug 瓢蟲, bluebird 藍知更鳥, hummingbird 蜂鳥, woodpecker 啄木鳥, sniff 嗅, couch 沙發, coffee table 茶几, roll 滾, living room 客廳, kitchen 廚房, scratch 抓, fur 毛髮, tail 尾巴, gamertag 玩家名稱, online 線上, hobby 嗜好, available 可用的, password 密碼, object 物件, creative 創造, rhyming word 韻腳

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Conversation Issue 1
主題2 - On the Farm

第3堂 - 文章

  • What kinds of farms are there? 

  • What is grown on a farm? 

  • What is raised on a farm?

  • Individual Reading – Kate’s Hobby Farm

  • What kind of animal would you raise at home?

  • Poem – Breakfast on the Farm

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dairy farm 乳牛農場, farmer 農夫, raise cows 養牛, yogurt 優格, poultry farm 養雞場, orchard 果園, grain 穀, wheat 麥, soybean 大豆, hobby farm 休閒農場, Yilan 宜蘭, wings are clipped 翅膀被剪掉, prefer 更喜歡, feed 餵, pushy 咄咄逼人, milk (v) 擠乳, fresh 新鮮

第4堂 - 文章

  • How does food change from a seed to the food on our plates? 

  • Do you grow any vegetables at home?

  • Are there any community gardens in your community?

  • Why is it good to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables? 

  • Individual Reading – A Farmer’s Diary 

  • What chores do you need to do each day?

  • What are the names of the baby farm animals?


plow 犁, soil 土壤, weed 雜草, seed 種子, ripe 成熟, local market 在地超市, jungle 叢林, garden 花園, cabbage 高麗菜, yam leaves 地瓜葉, water spinach 空心菜, bok choy 白菜, harvest 豐收, traditional morning market 傳統早市, basil 九層塔, coriander 香菜, rooster 公雞, bucket 桶子, pig pen 豬圈, compost 堆肥, chicken coop 雞舍, basket 籃子, horse stall 馬廄, hay 乾草, tractor 拖拉機, barn 穀倉, kid 小山羊, lamb 小羊, foal 小馬, calf 小牛, chick 小雞, duckling 小鴨

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