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Darwin Club


Darwin Club is designed for kids who are learning English as a foreign language. This activity was made for elementary school students but is suitable for kindergarten students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science. Our activities encourage kids to use English instead of just memorizing English. We create fun, hands-on, English science club activities to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands through interesting experiments and multimedia animations.

Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!!

達爾文俱樂部(Darwin Club)專為正在學習英語的孩子而設計。 這個活動是為小學生而設計的,但也歡迎習慣全英語交談而且對科學好奇的幼稚園大班生來參加。我們的活動鼓勵孩子們使用英語,而不是僅僅是在課堂上背誦英語。 我們創造有趣的,要動手的英語科學俱樂部活動,來讓孩子不斷的思考和學習。耳朵聽不懂的部分,藉由有趣的實驗和多媒體動畫,他們可以透過眼睛和手來了解。 Dr. Sparks 小小科學家俱樂部–要把科學的樂趣帶給大家!

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Age - Elementary School


Highlights - Whole-English Science Activity, Independent Learning, Hands-on Experiments, Take-home Experiments, Age-appropriate Themes


Length - 90 Minutes


Cost - NT$1000 - 1 Adult + 1 Child

Additional Adults - NT$150


Current Show

Current Darwin Show
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Dr. Sparks小小科學家俱樂部為您推出:達爾文俱樂部29:玩轉空氣動力!加入我們解開速度和阻力之謎。您是否曾經想過是什麼使事物變慢,以及如何使它們變得更快呢?讓我們深入探討迷人的空氣動力學世界。

在這個活動中,我們將進行阻力實驗,探討空氣和水對物體運動的影響。首先,我們將使用液體阻力室,把阻力加到最大來讓物體在水中減慢移動速度。接著,我們將阻力最小化來創造一個空氣動力學物體。這正是空氣動力學的精髓 - 了解空氣如何流經物體。

Dr. Sparks特別設計了一個專業的風洞,用於收集有關空氣如何與各種形狀相互作用的數據。預測、收集數據並進行實驗,以打造最具空氣動力學的物體。學生們都將有機會觀察他們創造的物體周圍的空氣流動。


Sparks小小科學家樂部 - 英語、科學、樂趣!

空氣動力 / 學習目標
•    了解阻力 – 學習空氣如何減緩物體的運動速度
•    減少阻力 - 了解改變物體形狀如何增加或減少阻力。
•    空氣動力學 - 了解空氣如何在物體周圍移動。
•    實驗 - 將觀察到的知識應用,創造出最具空氣動力學的模型。

•     液體阻力室 - 減速之旅 - 使用黏土和其他材料製作物體,創建在水中移動時速度最慢的物體。 
•    體阻力室 - 速度大師 - 將你的物體轉變為最具空氣動力學的物體,它將在液體阻力室中高速移動。 
•    風洞 - 創造一個形狀,並在Dr. Sparks的風洞中進行測試!

達爾文俱樂部 29–玩轉空氣動力 (內容同 愛因斯坦俱樂部4-空氣動力)
•    小學生
•    活動時間–90分鐘
•    費用–1小1大1000
•    上課須具備–熟悉全英語的環境 ,對科學的好奇心


Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club presents Darwin Club 29: Exploring Aerodynamics!  Join us in solving the mysteries of speed and drag. Have you ever wondered what slows things down and how to make them go faster? Let's dive into the fascinating world of aerodynamics.


In this activity, we'll conduct drag experiments, investigating how air and water affects the movement of objects. Using a liquid drag chamber, we’ll start by maximizing drag to slow things down as they move through the water. Then, we'll then work on minimizing the drag and creating an aerodynamic object. This is the essence of aerodynamics – understanding how air flows over objects.


Dr. Sparks has engineered a specialized wind tunnel for data collection on how air interacts with various shapes. Predict, gather data, and experiment to craft the most aerodynamic object. Students will all get a chance to watch how air flows around the objects that they create. 


 Darwin Club 25 and up introduces more challenging themes for elementary school students, all designed for Taiwanese learners of English. Our activities are designed so that what your child doesn’t understand with their ears, they can understand with their hands and eyes, using our multimedia presentations and experiments. Our teachers lead young scientists through demonstrations, illustrations, and hands-on experiments, making learning a thrilling adventure!  


Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club – English, Science, Fun!

Aerodynamics / Learning Objectives
* Understand Drag – Learn how air can slow an object down 
* Reduce Drag - How changing the shape of an object can increase or decrease drag.
* Aerodynamics – Understand how air moves around an object
* Experimentation -  Apply what you have observed to create the most aerodynamic model you can.

•    Liquid Drag Chamber – Slow It Down – Build objects with clay and other items to create an object that moves as slowly as possible while moving through water.
•    Liquid Drag Chamber – Speed Master – Transform your object into the most aerodynamic object that will speed through the liquid drag chamber
•    Wind Tunnel – Create a shape and test it in Dr. Sparks’ wind tunnel!

Darwin Club 29 – Exploring Aerodynamics (formerly Einstein Club 4)
Elementary School Students
Length – 90 minutes
Cost – NT$1000 1 adult + 1 child


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Darwin Club 15 – Earthquakes
達爾文俱樂部 15 – 地震

生活在台灣,地震是我們都曾經歷過的事情。但是地震是什麼?為什麼會發生?「達爾文俱樂部 15 – 地震」要引導孩子們了解地震的威力。我們要探索構造板塊如何移動和相互作用。也會學習如何使用地震學檢測地震。最後,在我們的地震模擬器上測試孩子們的工程技能。


在「Dr. Sparks 小小科學家俱樂部」裡我們不閱讀地震相關資訊,而是進行地震相關實驗。僅僅閱讀科學知識是很難理解的。每個學生都將建造自己的地震探測器,並帶回家繼續學習地震學。我們將應用我們所學到的抗震知識,建造自己的防震建築物和測試其耐震度。我們的地震模擬器可以創造不同類型的地震,看看誰設計的建築最堅固。 Dr. Sparks 要將教科書中的科學知識帶到孩子們的手中。


達爾文俱樂部(Darwin Club)專為正在學習英語的孩子而設計。 這個活動是為小學生而設計的,但也歡迎習慣全英語交談而且對科學好奇的幼稚園大班生來參加。我們的活動鼓勵孩子們使用英語,而不是僅僅是在課堂上背誦英語。 我們創造有趣的,要動手的英語科學俱樂部活動,來讓孩子不斷的思考和學習。耳朵聽不懂的部分,藉由有趣的實驗和多媒體動畫,他們可以透過眼睛和手來了解。 Dr. Sparks 小小科學家俱樂部–要把科學的樂趣帶給大家!



• 介紹構造板塊

• 了解構造板塊如何引發地震

• 了解的地震儀的工作原理

• 建造一個地震探測器

• 查看建築物是如何建造來承受地震的

• 嘗試不同的建築技術

• 在地震模擬器上測試您的建築設計



• 地震探測器 - 建造並帶回家自己的探測器

• 地震工程師 - 建造可以承受住地震的東西

• 地震模擬器 - 在我們的地震模擬器上測試你設計的建築



• 達爾文俱樂部15 – 地震

• 專為小學生設計

• 對科學有興趣,英語程度佳的大班生也可報名

• 活動時間90分鐘

• 費用 – NT1000 (一小一大)

• 8歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

• 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同

• 歡迎包班團報

• 包班授課可依該班英語程度作調整

Living in Taiwan, earthquakes are something that we have all experienced before. But what are earthquakes and why do they happen. Darwin Club 15 – Earthquakes guides your kids to understand earthquake’s awesome power. Discover how tectonic plates move and interact with each other. Learn how to detect an earthquake using seismology. Finally, put your engineering skills to the test on our earthquake simulator.

We don’t read about earthquakes at Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club, we experiment with earthquakes. Just reading about science is so hard to understand. Each student will build their own earthquake detector that they can take home to learn about seismology. We will apply what we learn about how to make a building earthquake proof by creating our own buildings and testing their strength. Our earthquake simulators can create different kinds of earthquakes to see whose design is the strongest. Dr. Sparks takes the science out of the textbooks and puts it in your children’s hands.

Darwin Club is designed for kids who are learning English as a foreign language. This activity was made for elementary school students but is suitable for kindergarten students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science. Our activities encourage kids to use English instead of just memorizing English. We create fun, hands-on, English science club activities to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands through interesting experiments and multimedia animations. Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club – Showing you science is so much fun!

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce tectonic plates

  • Learn how tectonic plates cause earthquakes

  • Discover how a seismograph works

  • Build an earthquake detector

  • Examine how buildings are built to withstand earthquakes

  • Experiment with different building techniques

  • Test your design on an earthquake simulator



  • Earthquake Detector – Build and take home your own detector

  • Earthquake Engineers – Build something that can withstand an earthquake

  • Simulator – Test your building on our earthquake simulator



  • Designed for elementary school students

  • Suitable for kindergarten students comfortable in a whole-English environment

  • Length – 90 Minutes

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child

  • Parents with children under 8 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join

  • Group registration available

  • Custom English levels available


Darwin Club 14 – Chemistry Basics
達爾文俱樂部 14 – 化學初體驗

Dr. Sparks小小科學家要把化學的樂趣介紹給孩子們!達爾文俱樂部14 – 「化學初體驗」要透過動手實驗和示範把化學介紹給小學生們。我們將化學的基礎知識分解成易於理解的語言和概念。課堂上的活動將把化學從一個困難又可怕的學科,變成有趣又好玩的事!


達爾文俱樂部(Darwin Club)專為正在學習英語的孩子而設計。 這個活動是為小學生而設計的,但也歡迎習慣全英語交談而且對科學好奇的幼稚園大班生來參加。我們的活動鼓勵孩子們使用英語,而不是僅僅是在課堂上背誦英語。 我們創造有趣的,要動手的英語科學俱樂部活動,來讓孩子不斷的思考和學習。耳朵聽不懂的部分,藉由有趣的實驗和多媒體動畫,他們可以透過眼睛和手來了解。 Dr. Sparks 小小科學家俱樂部–要把科學的樂趣帶給大家!


達爾文14 - 化學初體驗


  • 了解什麼是化學

  • 比較原子和分子

  • 學習原子的各個部分

  • 介紹元素周期表

  • 連接原子來製做分子模型

  • 實驗不同種類的化學反應


  • 建立水、過氧化氫和二氧化碳的分子模型

  • 瞬間人造雪的反應

  • 保麗龍史萊姆

  • 大象牙膏

  • 氫氣泡泡

  • 彩色火焰


  • 達爾文俱樂部14 – 化學初體驗

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 對科學有興趣,英語程度佳的大班生也可報名

  • 活動時間90分鐘

  • 費用 – NT1000 (一小一大)

  • 8歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

  • 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同

  • 歡迎包班團報

  • 包班授課可依該班英語程度作調整

Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club is on a mission to show your kids how much fun Chemistry can be. Darwin Club 14 – Chemistry Basics introduces chemistry to elementary school students through hands-on experiments and demonstrations. We break down the basics into easy-to-understand language and concepts. These activities transform chemistry from a hard and scary subject into something interesting and fun.

Explore the difference between atoms and molecules. Find out how the 118 elements on the periodic table are the building blocks for everything in our universe. Connect atoms together to build models of water, hydrogen peroxide, and carbon dioxide molecules that students can take home. Understand the different kinds of chemical reactions by performing a series of safe experiments and demonstrations.

Darwin Club is designed for kids who are learning English as a foreign language. This activity was made for elementary school students but is suitable for kindergarten students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science. Our activities encourage kids to use English instead of just memorizing English. We create fun, hands-on, English science club activities to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands through interesting experiments and multimedia animations. Dr. Sparks Jr. Scientist Club – Showing you science is so much fun!


Darwin Club 14 – Chemistry Basics

Learning Objectives 

  • Find out what chemistry is

  • Compare atoms and molecules

  • Learn the parts of an atom

  • Introduce the periodic table

  • Link atoms to make a molecular model

  • Experiment with different kinds of chemical reactions


  • Build water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen peroxide molecules

  • Instant Snow Reactions

  • Styrofoam Slime

  • Elephant Toothpaste

  • Hydrogen Bubbles

  • Colored Flames



  • Darwin Club 14 – Chemistry Basics

  • Designed for elementary school students

  • Suitable for kindergarten students comfortable in a whole-English environment

  • Length – 90 Minutes

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child

  • Parents with children under 8 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join

  • Group registration available

  • Custom English levels available


Darwin Club 8 – Microscopes
達爾文俱樂部 8 – 顯微鏡

世界很大。如果你跟螞蟻一樣小,世界看起來又是什麼樣子呢?在達爾文8 – 顯微鏡中,我們要一起近距離的探索周遭的世界。我們會使用容易操作的液晶螢幕顯微鏡,一起近看錢幣、身體部位、昆蟲、也會觀察顏色在液體中如何混合,一起看看簡單的化學反應。

Dr. Sparks會挑戰小小科學家們, 看看誰可以看到小部位而辨識出一些日常生活上的東西。聽似容易,但我們看周遭東西的眼光會從此完全不同!最後,Dr. Sparks設計的顯微鏡尋寶遊戲,將挑戰團隊合作,找出線索一起解碼。





  • 熟悉顯微鏡操作部位與功能

  • 視覺挑戰 – 看物品的其中一個部分猜猜看是什麼東西

  • 團隊合作 – 分組合作共同操作顯微鏡實驗

  • 了解到一個東西很近距離的看可能是長得很不一樣的



  • 錢!錢!錢! –認識世界各地錢幣防止盜印的特性

  • 爆炸性反應 – 在顯微鏡下觀察混合醋與蘇打粉後的反應

  • 微型尋寶遊戲 – 顯微鏡下依循極小的提示,解開神秘密碼




達爾文俱樂部8– 顯微鏡



費用– 一大一小NT1000







The world we live in is huge. How would that world look if you were the size of an ant? Join us in Darwin Club 8 – Microscopes as we explore the world around us up close. With easy to use LCD microscopes, we will look closely at things like money, our bodies, insects, how colors mix in liquid, and some simple chemical reactions.

We’ll find out who is good at seeing the bigger picture, when Dr. Sparks challenges the junior scientists to identify some everyday items. Sounds easy, but we’ll be looking at things that we see every day in a whole new way. Finally, Dr. Sparks has created a microscope scavenger hunt that will challenge teams to work together to unlock the hidden clues.


Darwin Club is targeted for elementary school students, but daban students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science are welcome to join as well. Our Darwin Club activities are designed to help kids continue with the English they developed in kindergarten. Too many kids’ English abilities drop quickly after they enter elementary school. We create a fun, hands-on, English science club environment to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands. Join us in Darwin Club 8 – Microscopes, and see the world like you have never seen it before!


Darwin Club 8 – Microscopes

Learning Objectives 

  • Become familiar with the parts and functions of a microscope

  • Visual Disclosure – Identify items by looking at 1 small part of it

  • Teamwork – Work together with a team to conduct microscope experiments

  • See that things can look quite different when we look closely at them



  • Money, Money, Money – Find key features of money from around the world that keep people from copying it.

  • Explosive Reactions – Observe what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda under a microscope

  • Micro-scavenger Hunt – Follow tiny clues under your microscope to unlock the mystery code.



  • Darwin Club 8 – Microscopes

  • Elementary School

  • Length – 90 Minutes 

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

  • Requirements –Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 8 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join


Darwin Club 7 – Crystals
達爾文俱樂部 7 – 水晶








  • 識別水晶的特性

  • 找出生活周遭看得到的水晶體

  • 學習水晶如何生長的

  • 探索什麼是晶洞

  • 學習培養製作人造水晶



  • 3個快速水晶實驗 – 水晶海膽,水晶城堡,速成雪

  • 創造彩色晶洞

  • 培養水晶體



  • 達爾文俱樂部7 – 水晶

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 活動時間90分鐘

  • 費用– 一大一小NT1000

  • 上課須具備:

  • 熟悉全英語的環境

  • 對科學充滿好奇

  •  7歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

  • 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同

Crystals are some of the most beautiful naturally occurring things in the world. Join Dr. Sparks in exploring what crystals are and how they form in Darwin Club 7 – Crystals. We will look closely at how crystals form and the unique shapes that they make. The junior scientists will experiment together to learn how to seed and grow their very own crystals. This activity will keep your kids observing their crystal growth for weeks after attending our Junior Scientist Club.

We will explore and compare many different kinds of crystals together and perform 3 exciting experiments during the activity, including making our very own geodes that the kids can take home. With plenty of take-home supplies, we’re sure that your kids will be busy making all kinds of crystals of their own.

Darwin Club is targeted for elementary school students, but daban students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science are welcome to join as well. Our Darwin Club activities are designed to help kids continue with the English they developed in kindergarten. Too many kids’ English abilities drop quickly after they enter elementary school. We create a fun, hands-on, English science club environment to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands. Join Darwin Club 7 – Crystals, and see that English learning doesn’t have to feel like learning at all.

Darwin Club 7 – Crystals

Learning Objectives 

  • Identify the characteristics of a crystal.

  • Find crystals around us in our everyday life.

  • Learn how a crystal if formed.

  • Explore what geodes are.

  • Learn how to seed and grow a crystal.



  • 3 different instant crystal experiments – Crystal Urchin, Crystal Castles, & Instant Snow.

  • Create colored geodes.

  • Seed a crystal.


  • Darwin Club 7 – Crystals

  • Elementary School Students

  • Length – 90 Minutes 

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

  • Requirements –Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 8 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join


Darwin Club 6 - Flight
達爾文俱樂部 6 – 飛行

東西是怎麼飛起來的呢?Dr. Sparks在達爾文俱樂部6 –「飛行」裡,會帶小小科學家們一起來探索這個問題。我們會實驗飛行的4個主要元素—推力,阻力,升力,重力。哪一個氣球火箭有最大的推力?阻力是否會讓氣球火箭變慢?透過一些有趣的實驗我們會找出這些問題的答案。




達爾文俱樂部是為小學生設計的。我們也歡迎習慣全英語交談而且對科學好奇的大班生來參加。Dr. Sparks的達爾文俱樂部活動是為了幫助孩子們持續幼稚園學到的英文學習而設計的。很多孩子在幼稚園時期學到了大量的英文,但到了小學因為沒有持續學習而退步許多。我們創造有趣,動手做的英語科學俱樂部的環境來協助孩子持續用英語思考與學習。耳朵聽不懂的部分,孩子會透過眼睛看與動手做來理解。參加達爾文俱樂部6–「飛行」,讓孩子在無壓力下繼續學習英語。


達爾文俱樂部 6 – 飛行

  • 飛行的4個主要元素–推力,阻力,升力,重力

  • 不同機翼設計與實驗 – 翼展與翼弦

  • 介紹「伯努利」原理

  • 認識飛機重心位置


  • 氣球火箭比賽–比較推力與阻力

  • 利用「伯努利」原理讓紙飛起來 

  • 設計可變換機翼的紙飛機


  • 達爾文俱樂部5 – 電力1

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 活動時間90分鐘

  • 費用– 一大一小NT1000

  • 上課須具備:

  • 熟悉全英語的環境

  • 對科學好奇

  •  7歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

  • 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同

How exactly do things fly? This is the question that Dr. Sparks will explore with the junior scientists in Darwin Club 6 – Flight. We will experiment with the 4 major parts of flight - thrust, drag, lift, and gravity. Which balloon rocket will have the best thrust? Will certain balloon rockets go slower because of their drag? We’ve got fun, interactive experiments to test these questions out.

We will explore how air pressure is the force that lifts the wings of an airplane high into the sky. A series of experiments will explore Bernoulli’s Principle to help explain this. Finally, we will combine these principles into a really cool paper airplane experiment that the kids can take home to continue their experiments and collect data.

Darwin Club is targeted for elementary school students, but daban students who are comfortable in a whole-English environment and are curious about science are welcome to join as well. Our Darwin Club activities are designed to help kids continue with the English they developed in kindergarten. Too many kids’ English abilities drop quickly after they enter elementary school. We create a fun, hands-on, English science club environment to keep kids thinking and learning. What they don’t understand with their ears, they will understand with their eyes and hands. Join Darwin Club 6 – Flight, and see that English learning doesn’t have to feel like learning at all.

Darwin Club 6 – Flight

Learning Objectives 

  • 4 Main Parts Of Flight – Thrust, Drag, Lift, Gravity

  • Experiment with Different Wing Design – Span and Chord

  • Introduce Bernoulli’s Principle

  • Learn About Center of Gravity



  • Balloon Rocket Races to Compare Thrust and Drag

  • Make Paper Fly Using Bernoulli’s Principle

  • Design Paper Airplanes with Interchangeable Wing Designs



  • Darwin Club 6 – Flight

  • (Daban) Kindergarten – Elementary School

  • Length – 90 Minutes 

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

  • Requirements –Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 7 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join


Darwin Club 5 - Electricity 1 -
Conductors and Insulators
達爾文俱樂部 5
電力 1 - 導體與絕緣體




達爾文俱樂部 5 – 電力 1- 導體與絕緣體

  • 認識電路

  • 比較電流與水流

  • 學畫電路原理圖

  • 測試物品的導電性

  • 電阻器實驗


  • 達爾文俱樂部5 – 電力1

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 活動時間90分鐘 

  • 費用– 一大一小NT1000 

  • 上課須具備: 

  • 熟悉全英語的環境 

  • 對科學充滿好奇 

  • 7歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

  • 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同

Darwin Club 5 is Electricity 1 – Conductors and Insulators. This is the first in a series about electricity. We will learn what a circuit is and how an electric current flows like water. We will explore how certain materials called conductors allow a current to flow through them, while other materials called insulators prevent currents from flowing through them.

This activity is packed full of interesting demonstrations and hands-on experiments, including a plasma lamp, building and drawing circuits, identifying conductors and insulators, and more! As always, the kids will go home with their full-color science notebooks, challenges to do at home, and take-home experiment items.

Darwin Club activities are for kids in kindergarten-grade 3+. Kids joining Darwin Club need to be comfortable in a whole-English environment. Many kids have a great start with their whole-English kindergarten programs, only to find that their English skills deteriorate quickly once they get into elementary school. These activities are a great way to help kids keep up their English in a fun and interesting environment once they start elementary school. Our themes are things that most kids should be familiar with. The parts that children don’t understand with their ears, they should be able to understand with their eyes and hands. Parents are encouraged to join with their kids, especially younger children to help do the experiments together.

Darwin Club 5 – Electricity 1 – Conductors and Insulators

Learning Objectives 

  • Learn what a circuit is

  • Compare how a current flows like water

  • Learn how to draw a circuit diagram

  • Test if an item is a conductor or an insulator

  • Experiment with resistors


  • Darwin Club 5 – Electricity 1 

  • Kindergarten – Grade 3+ 

  • Length – 90 Minutes 

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

  • Requirements – Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 7 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join


Darwin Club 4 - Air Pressure
達爾文俱樂部 4 - 空氣壓


新一季的達爾文俱樂部在3月即將推出~~ 新的主題是”空氣壓力”。在達爾文4-空氣壓力活動中,我們有一系列的示範與實驗來幫助孩子瞭解空氣中是充滿壓力的,時時刻刻都從四面八方推著我們的。了解到這點後,我們就可以操縱空氣中的壓力,玩一些相關有趣的實驗。由於我們總是有做不完的實驗,從這季開始達爾文活動時間將從70分鐘延長到80分鐘。(請注意費用也有稍微調漲)





  • 介紹空氣壓力

  • 探討空氣壓力與我們的關聯

  • 實驗改變空氣壓力

  • 觀察空氣壓力的改變



  • 達爾文俱樂部4 – 空氣壓力

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 活動時間90分鐘

  • 費用– 一大一小NT1000

  • 上課須具備: 熟悉全英語的環境

  • 對科學充滿好奇

  • 7歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴

  • 我們建議所有的家長進班陪同


Darwin Club 4 – Air Pressure

Activity Overview

Darwin Club 4 will be launching this March. Our new Darwin Club theme is Air Pressure. In Darwin 4 – Air Pressure, we have an exciting series of demonstrations and experiments to help kids understand that air pressure is all around us, pushing on us from every direction all the time. Once you are aware of this, you can start playing with and manipulating the air pressure that is around us. With so many experiments to do, we have extended the time of the activity from 70 minutes to 80 minutes. Please take note of our pricing change that comes with the longer activities.


Darwin Club activities are for kids in kindergarten-grade 3+. Kids joining Darwin Club need to be comfortable in a whole-English environment. Many kids have a great start with their whole-English kindergarten programs, only to find that their English skills deteriorate quickly once they get into elementary school. These activities are a great way to help kids keep up their English in a fun and interesting environment once they start elementary school.


Darwin Club 4 – Air Pressure

Learning Objectives 

  • Introduction to Air Pressure

  • Explore How Air Pressure Affects Us

  • Experiment with Changing Air Pressure

  • Observe Changes in Air Pressure



  • Darwin Club 4 – Air Pressure 

  • Kindergarten – Grade 3+ 

  • Length – 90 Minutes 

  • Cost - NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

  • Requirements – Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 7 should accompany children

  • All parents encouraged to join


Darwin Club 3 - Magnets
達爾文俱樂部 3 - 磁鐵


達爾文俱樂部3主題是磁鐵。跟著Dr. Sparks我們一起探索磁鐵怎麼運作;磁鐵與什麼相吸,又與什麼相斥,然後再一起操作4個不同的小實驗。此活動為磁鐵帶來精彩的基本介紹,孩子們還可以學到幾個簡單有趣的磁性實驗。


達爾文3 – 磁鐵


  • 吸引力– 磁鐵被什麼吸引

  • 磁極 –北磁極與南磁極 / 磁極對位

  • 極性 – 探索異性相吸同性相斥

  • 磁場 – 觀察並回報磁場的形狀

  • 漂浮的磁鐵– 觀察並按照步驟的製造一個漂浮的磁鐵


  • 磁鐵愛誰?探索磁鐵被什麼吸引

  • 來!來!/走開 – 利用磁鐵本身的結構來實驗,看什麼相吸,什麼相斥

  • 磁場玩一玩– 藉由鐵粉看見磁場


  • 達爾文俱樂部3 – 磁鐵

  • 專為小學生設計

  • 活動時間90分鐘

  • 費用– 一大一小NT1000

  • 上課須具備: 熟悉全英語的環境

  • 對科學充滿好奇

  • 7歲以下的兒童需要家長陪伴


Darwin Club 3 – Magnets 
Activity Overview
Darwin Club 3 is all about magnets. Find out how magnets work, what they are and are not attracted to, and perform 4 different experiments with Dr. Sparks. This is a great introduction to magnets and some cool new magnetic activities you will learn how to do. 

Darwin Club is for kids from kindergarten to grade 3+ who are comfortable in a whole-English environment. Darwin activities are geared towards elementary students, but younger kids who are comfortable with English and are curious about science are welcome to join with their parents. These activities are designed for children to start working independently in an English environment. Parents are encouraged to join the activity, but this activity will not focus on parent-child interaction like Newton Club activities.

Darwin Club 3 – Magnets

Learning Objectives 

  • Attraction – Find out what magnets are attracted to 

  • Poles – North and South Poles / magnetic alignment 

  • Polarity - Explore how opposites attract and similar repel 

  • Magnetic Fields – Observe and report the shape of magnetic fields

  • Levitating Magnets – Observe and follow procedures to make a magnet float 



  • Who Do Magnets Love? – Explore what magnets are attracted to

  • Come Here / Go Away – Experiment with magnet formations to find which attract and which repel

  • Playing in a Magnetic Field – Visualize a magnetic field with iron filings 

  • Magnets in the Sky – Follow procedures to make a spinning magnet float in a magnetic field 



  • Darwin Club 3 – Magnets 

  • Elementary School Students

  • Length – 90 minutes 

  • Cost – NT$1000 1 adult + 1 child 

  • Requirements – Comfortable in whole-English environment

  • Curious about science 

  • Parents with children under 7 should accompany children.


Darwin Club 2 - Elasticity
達爾文俱樂部2 - 彈性

達爾文俱樂部2 - 彈性


活動: 達爾文俱樂部2 -" 彈性'
費用:1000元 (一大一小)

Come-back Cans 實驗1- 橡皮筋彈力車
實驗3 - 橡皮筋大砲

達爾文俱樂部最適合大班到小學3年級的年紀,習慣全英語的環境,對科學有興趣,也可以獨立上課的小朋友。這次活動的主題是"彈力"。 與牛頓不同之處是, 達爾文俱樂部裡面是沒有繪本與歌曲時間的。在這個活動,我們將著重在透過觀察、按照步驟的實驗中來學習。


Darwin Club 2 - Elasticity 


Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Darwin Club 2 is Elasticity. Who knew that rubber bands have so much to teach us? We will do a series of experiments and explore the elastic properties of rubber bands. We’ll make a vehicle that operates by rubber bands, measure the elastic limits of rubber bands and springs, and learn about potential and kinetic energy when we build our rubber band cannons. This activity will have the kids trying out lots of new ideas.

Darwin Club 
Ages - Elementary School Students 
Event - Darwin Club 2 - Elasticity 
Elasticity Theme
90 minute activities 
NT$1000 1 Adult/1 Child 

Learn about potential and kinetic energy 
Experiment 1 – Come-back Cans 
Experiment 2 – Elastic Limit
Experiment 3 - Rubber Band Cannons 
10-14 kids/activity 

The Darwin Club is best suited for kids in kindergarten to grade 3, have been around whole-English learning environments before, can work more independently, and are curious about science. Our theme is elasticity. Unlike Newton Club, there are no stories or songs in Darwin Club activities. We will focus on learning through observing, experimenting, and following procedures.


Darwin Club 1 - Static Electricity
Charge Me Up
達爾文俱樂部1 - 靜

Darwin Club (K - G3) 達爾文俱樂部 1 - 靜電 (幼稚園大班到小學三年級)



費用:1000元 (一大一小)


For kids ages kindergarten to grade 3+, Dr. Sparks Junior Science Club – The Darwin Club is the science activity for you! This time we will explore the hows and whys of static electricity. Parents are welcome to come along to our English science activity, but kids will be free to work more on their own. This is a show for kids who are used to being around an English environment and are looking to learn how to think more in English. Kids will be challenged to learn about how static electricity works and is all around them.

Charge Me Up 
Darwin Club
Elementary School Students
Static electricity theme 
90 minute activities 
NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child 
Experiment 1 – Making Static 
Experiment 2 – Static Magic 
Special Equipment – Van de Graff generator 
10-14 kids/activity 

© 2014 by Sparkle and Shine. 

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