Grade – Upper Elementary
Level - Intermediate Reading/Conversation Skills
Reading longer articles / magazines / short chapter books
Month 2 Issues
Episodes 1-2 – Tales of the West
Episodes 3-4 – Disaster
Level 3 is for upper elementary school students who are reading longer magazine articles or are starting to read chapter books. The subjects and vocabulary are more mature, suitable for this age range. The focus is on the harder words and phrases that we know many Taiwanese students may not be familiar with at this age. The pace is quicker, and these interesting stories and themes open up the conversation even more. We also welcome Jr. high students to join for some great conversation and fun practice.
Month 2 -Issue 1
Tales of the West
第一堂 - 文章
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Tales of the West – Introduction Page
It’s Junior Rodeo Time – Photo Essay
Covered Wagons – Nonfiction
Tale故事, West 美國西部, Photo Essay專題攝影, Covered Wagons 有篷的馬車, Scary Story 恐怖故事, Lumberjack 伐木工人, Carve 雕刻, Hail 冰雹, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Whopper大謊言, Junior Rodeo 少年牛仔競技表演, Whoop 吶喊, Holler 叫喊, Contest 比賽, Buckaroo 牛仔(俚語), Ride A Steer 騎馬, Bucking Beast 暴衝難馴的猛獸, Barrel Race 繞桶比賽, Tumble 翻滾, Give Chase開始追逐, Breakaway Calf Roping 用套索套住逃脫的小牛, Lasso 用套索捕捉(牛,馬等), Mutton Riding 騎綿羊, Bareback Event 不用馬鞍的騎乘活動, Saddle 鞍, Bronco 野馬, Bronco Busting 馴馬, Tame 馴服 Covered Wagons 有篷大馬車, Pioneers 先鋒, Trail 小徑, Prairie 草原, Sea Of Grass 草海, Canvas Tops 帆布車蓋, Prairie Schooner 大草原縱帆船(指:草原篷車)
第二堂 - 文章
Whoppers Stretch the Truth – Tall Tales
The Diary of Clare Brown – Diary
Campfire Chorus – Group Play
Gather Round the Campfire – Poem
Puzzle it Out – Compound Word Puzzles
Tall Tales 荒唐的故事, Diary 日記, Play 戲劇/話劇, Exaggerate 誇大, Stretch The Truth 誇大事實, Rugged Worker 粗曠的工人, Outdo The Other 超越對方, Logging Camps 伐木營, Leave His Mark 留下標記, Great Lakes 五大湖, Keelboat Captain 龍骨船長, Shore 岸邊, Overflow 溢出, Cyclone 龍卷風, Squeeze 擠壓, Twister 龍卷風, Carve Out 雕刻出, Grand Canyon 大峽谷, Slave 奴隸, Freedom自由, Worn Out 疲憊不堪的, Slavery 奴隸制, Chorus 合唱, Settle 定居, Chinese Railroad Worker 鐵路工人, Stranger 陌生人, Cattle 牛, Panic 恐慌, Stampede 亂竄狂奔, Have It Rough 過得很艱辛, Pick & Shovel 鋤頭和鏟子, Blasting Powder 爆炸火藥, Antelope 羚羊, Discouraging Word 令人洩氣的話, Strum A Banjo 彈奏班鳩琴, Weave A Tale 編織故事, Glint 閃爍
Month 2 - Issue 2
第一堂 - 文章
Contents Page – Types of Articles
Welcome to Disaster – Introduction Page
Nature’s Fury – Photo Essay
A Storm to Remember – Realistic Fiction
Puzzle it Out – Synonyms
Disaster 災難, Strike 侵襲, Earthquakes地震, React應對, Nature’s Fury 大自然的反撲, Natural 自然的, Destructive Events 破壞性事件, Volcano 火山, Tornado 龍捲風, Tsunami 海嘯, Magma 岩漿, Lava 熔岩, Ash 灰燼, Whirling Funnel Cloud 旋轉龍捲雲, Plow Through 撞過, Splinter 碎片/裂成碎片, Fierce 凶猛的, Damage 損害, Huge Sections 巨大的部分, Pressure 壓力, Warning Systems 預警系統, Hurricane Warning 颶風警報, Shutters 百葉窗, Storm Cellar 防風窖, Silence 寧靜, Eye of The Storm 風暴之眼/颶風中心, The Storm Raged 風暴肆虐, Terrible 糟糕的
第二堂 - 文章
Train Wreck – Radio Play
On the Way to School – Comic Strip
Rusty to the Rescue – News Feature
Don’t Let Disasters Get You Down – Poem
Narrator 旁白, Program 節目, Tracks 軌道, Screeching 尖叫著, Warn Them 警示他們, Railroad 鐵路系統, Dash Into The Doorway 衝進門道, As Fast As Lightning 快如閃電, Flow 流動, Made A Hiss 發出嘶嘶聲, Search And Rescue Team 搜救專對, Respond To Disasters 應對災害, Buried Under Rubble 被埋在瓦礫下, Animal Shelter 動物收容所, Abandon 拋棄, His Future Was Uncertain 他的未來是渺茫的, Trained 訓練(過去式), High Spirits 熱情, Bravery 勇氣, Devoted To 奉獻給, Eager To Please 渴望討好, Survivor 生還者, Ruins 廢墟, Shift 輪班工作時間, Weary 疲倦的, Keep His Spirits High 振作精神, Victim 受難者, Alert 使警覺, Reward 獎賞, Get You Down 讓你沮喪, Oversleep 睡過頭, Terrible 糟糕的
Einstein Club
Einstein Club is for kids from grade 2 to grade 5+ who are comfortable in a whole-English environment. Einstein activities are geared towards elementary students, but older kids in junior high are also intrigued with these highly interactive, premium science club activities. We encourage parents to accompany younger children to help with some parts of the experiments.
Dr. Sparks teaches the junior scientists by leading them through a series of demonstrations, illustrations, and most importantly, multiple experiments. It’s our goal to create a science club environment that will open your kids’ minds to learning in English.
愛因斯坦俱樂部適合小學2年級到5年級(以上) ,並且習慣全英語溝通環境的小朋友。雖然此活動主要是針對小學生而設計的;但是大一點的國中生也會對這些互動性高,有深度的科學活動感到好奇! 我們鼓勵家長進教室陪同年紀較小的孩子以協助部分實驗操作。
Dr. Sparks是透過一系列的示範與說明,最重要的 — 不同的實驗來引導小小科學家們學習。我們的目標是建立一個科學俱樂部的環境進而讓孩子自然接觸並學習英文。
Age - Grade 2 - Grade 5+++
Highlights - Whole-English Science Activity, Independent Learning, Hands-on Experiments, Take-home Experiments, Age-appropriate Themes
Length - 90 Minutes
Cost - NT$900 - 1 Adult + 1 Child
Additional Adults - NT$150
Einstein Club 3 - Smartphone Hacks
愛因斯坦俱樂部 3 - 手機變變變
The all new Einstein Club 3 is ready to go! The theme this time is Smartphone Hacks. We’re not talking about hacking into computers. We’re talking about the other definition of hack. Hack - to hack is to mod or change something in an extraordinary way. We’re going to hack our smartphones and learn how to use them in ways we never knew were possible. Science isn’t always about inventing something new. It’s often about finding ways to improve the things that we have. We want your kids to understand that creativity and exploration is a huge part of science.
We’ll explore how cell phones have changed over the past 20 years to what they are today. We will learn about sound amplification as we make portable speakers for our phones. Magnification and focus will be introduced when we make a smartphone projector using a shoebox and a magnifying glass. Finally, we’ll build a device that will change our smartphones into holographic projectors! All junior scientist will need to bring a smartphone to use in this activity.
Einstein Club is for kids from grade 2 to grade 5+ who are comfortable in a whole-English environment. Einstein activities are geared towards elementary students, but older kids in junior high are also intrigued with these highly interactive, premium science club activities. We encourage parents to accompany younger children to help with some parts of the experiments.
Dr. Sparks teaches the junior scientists by leading them through a series of demonstrations, illustrations, and most importantly, multiple experiments. It’s our goal to create a science club environment that will open your kids’ minds to learning in English.
Einstein Club 3 – Smartphone Hacks / Learning Objectives
* Creativity in Science – Explore how crazy ideas and dreams fuel invention as we explore how the cell phone has evolved over the past 20 years
* Sound Amplification – Explore how sound waves can be focused to increase volume
* Magnification – Examine how an image is flipped when it is magnified
* Focus – Experiment how focus changes when the distance from the magnification changes.
* Can You Turn That Up? – Use a paper cup to amplify the sound from a smartphone.
* It Can Do That? – Create a projector using a smartphone, a shoebox, and a magnifying glass.
* 3D Holograms – Turn your smartphone into a 3D hologram projector.
Einstein Club 2 – Smartphone Hacks
Grade 2 – Grade 5+
Length – 90 minutes
Cost – NT$900 1 adult + 1 child
Take-home Materials – Full color science notebook, smartphone projector, 3D hologram screen
Requirements –
Comfortable in whole-English environment
Curious about science
全新的愛因斯坦俱樂部3 – "手機變變變"來囉!
愛因斯坦俱樂部適合小學2年級到5年級(含以上) ,並且習慣全英語溝通環境的小朋友。雖然此活動主要是針對小學生而設計的;但是大一點的國中生也會對這些互動性高,有深度的科學活動感到好奇! 我們鼓勵家長進教室陪同年紀較小的孩子以協助部分實驗操作。
Dr. Sparks是透過一系列的示範與說明,最重要的 — 不同的實驗來引導小小科學家們學習。我們的目標是建立一個科學俱樂部的環境進而讓孩子自然接觸並學習英文。
愛因斯坦俱樂部3 – 手機變變變 / 學習目標
• 科學創造力 – 在探索手機過去20年來的演化同時,討論瘋狂的點子與夢想如何激發創新
• 擴音 – 探索如何集中音波來放大音量
• 對焦 –隨著放大的距離改變,焦距也改變的實驗
• 可以大聲一點嗎? – 用紙杯透過手機做一個擴音器
• 真的做的出來嗎? – 用手機,鞋盒,放大鏡做一個投影機
• 3D浮空投影機 – 把手機變成3D浮空投影機
Einstein Club 3 – Smartphone Hacks愛因斯坦俱樂部3 – 手機變變變
• 小學2-5年級(以上也適合)
• 活動時間– 90分鐘
• 費用 – 1小1大900元
• 帶回家 – 特製彩色教材,手機投影機,3D浮空投影螢幕
• 上課須具備– 熟悉全英語的環境 ,對科學充滿好奇
Dr. Sparks' old phone doesn't get reception in the room.
Dr. Sparks' old phone doesn't get reception in the room.
Einstein Club 2 - Density
愛因斯坦俱樂部 2 - 密度
愛因斯坦俱樂部2 – 密度
愛因斯坦俱樂部2 主題是”密度”。不同材質有不同的密度。我們會一同探索不同密度的材質之間的互動,以及密度對一個物品浮或沉的能力的影響。我們也會一起動手操作一系列很酷又好玩的實驗。我們將透過這些實驗以及可以帶回家的彩色教材來跟我們的小小科學家介紹這個比較大概念。
愛因斯坦俱樂部2 – 密度/學習目標
• 密度-探索什麼讓物品密度變高或低
• 密度的互動 – 觀察不同密度之間的互動
• 改變密度 – 加入二氧化碳來改變水的密度
• 液體密度與固體密度 – 根據不同密度來把液體分層
• 水疊水 – 把水變成2種不同密度,然後讓他們不混合的疊在一起
• 熔岩燈 – 用冒泡錠改變與油相疊的水的密度。觀察水的位子從密度變到比油低,然後再變到比油高的變化。
• 密度之塔 – 做出5層液體的密度塔,然後觀察固體本身的密度如何影響他們浮在哪一層。
o 愛因斯坦俱樂部2 - 密度
o 小學2-5年級(或以上)
o 活動時間– 90分鐘
o 費用 – 1小1大900元
上課須具備:熟悉全英語的環境 ,對科學充滿好奇
Einstein Club 2 – Density
The theme for Einstein Club 2 is Density. Different materials have different densities. Explore how materials with different densities interact with each other and how density effects somethings ability to float or sink. This big concept is explained to our junior scientists through a series of really cool, hands-on experiments and our full color, take-home science notebook.
Einstein Club 2 – Density / Learning Objectives
• Density – Explore what makes something more or less dense
• Density Interaction – Explore how different densities interact with each other
• Changing Density – Change water’s density by adding carbon dioxide
• Liquid and Solid Density – Layer liquids according to their density.
• Water Standing on Water – Create water with 2 different densities and then get one to stand on the other without mixing.
• Lava Lamp – Use effervescent tablets to change the density of water layered with oil. Watch water’s position change as it becomes less dense and then more dense than oil.
• Density Tower – Create a 5 layer liquid density tower and then observe how solids’ densities control which layer they float on.
o Einstein Club 2 – Density
o Grade 2 – Grade 5+ (Students even up to Jr. high will enjoy this activity)
o Length – 90 minutes
o Cost – NT$900 1 adult + 1 child
o Requirements – Comfortable in whole-English environment
Curious about science
Einstein Club 1 - Polymers
愛因斯坦俱樂部 1 - 聚合物
愛因斯坦俱樂部 1 - 聚合物
• 愛因斯坦俱樂部
• 愛因斯坦俱樂部 (年紀約小學2年級到小學5年級)
• 聚合物主題
• 課程長度為90分鐘
• 費用:900元 (一大一小)
• 實驗一:連結是如何形成的?
• 實驗二:製作軟性泥
• 實驗三:閃亮彈性泥製作
• 班級人數:10-14位學生
Einstein Club 1 - Polymers
Slimy and Silly is an English science activity for kids from grade 2 to grade 5 and higher. Dr. Sparks Junior Scientist Club has opened the Einstein Club for kids who are comfortable in an English environment, and havestudied science themes, either at home or at school. We will explore how materials can be mixed to create a polymer bond and find out that there are polymers all around us. Parents are welcome to attend these activities but are not required to.Parents are encouraged to join the activity, but this activity will not focus on parent-child interaction like Newton Club activities.
Slimy and Silly
• Einstein Club
• Ages - Grade 2 - Grade 5+ (Students even up to Jr. high will enjoy this activity)
• Polymer theme
• 90 minute activities
• NT$900 1 Adult/1 Child
• Experiment 1 – How Chains Are Made
• Experiment 2 – Polymer Slime
• Experiment 3 – Sparkles Silly Putty
• 10-14 kids/class