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Level 1


程度:基礎閱讀/會話能力 – 可閱讀短篇文章/故事/短詩

第一期主題:第1-2堂 - Buggy Bugs,第3-4堂 - Colors

     主題1- Buggy Bugs


第一堂 -文章

  • Bugs vs Insects

  • How to Read a Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Welcome to Buggy Bugs - Introduction Page

  • How a Butterfly Grows – Nonfiction

  • The Bug Club – Journal


Bug蟲, Insect昆蟲, Content內容, Fiction 小說, Non-fiction 非虛構, Journal 日誌, Observe觀察, Butterfly蝴蝶, Hatch孵出, Larva幼蟲, Caterpillar毛毛蟲, Hard Shell貝殼/外殼, Club俱樂部, Ladybug瓢蟲, Beetle甲蟲, Grasshopper蚱蜢, Bunch很多, Potato chips洋芋片, Anthill螞蟻窩, Firefly螢火蟲, Shining閃閃發光

第二堂 - 文章

  • Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Spiders Are Amazing – Non-fiction

  • The Ant and the Grasshopper – Fable

  • The Game - Poem


Fable 寓言, Poem 詩, Spider, 蜘蛛, Amazing 驚奇的, Sand沙, Dinner Plate餐盤, Raindrop雨滴, Walk Sideways側著走, Walk Upside Down倒立走, Spin Webs捲蜘蛛絲, Trap 設陷阱, Fall Day 秋天的日子, Winter冬天 , Carry搬 , Snow雪 , Tap 輕敲, Save Food 儲存食物, Camouflage 偽裝, Fly 蒼蠅, Cricket蟋蟀

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主題2- Colors

第一堂 - 文章

  • Title Page

  • Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Welcome to Colors – Introduction Page

  • Colors in Our World – Nonfiction

  • Fall Colors – Narrative


Colors顏色, Narrate敘述, Narrator敘述者, Narrative敘述的, Food食物, Flowers花, Animals動物, Everywhere到處, Helps幫助, Means意思, Map地圖, Wear穿, Team團隊, Rainbow彩虹, Leaf/Leaves葉子, Catch抓住, Crunch嘎紮嘎紮的, Crackling Sound輕微的爆裂聲, Ground地面, Will Be Gone會消失

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第二堂 - 文章

  • Table of Contents– Kinds of Articles

  • How Color Helps Animals - Nonfiction

  • How to Mix Colors – Nonfiction

  • I Like Colors – Poem

  • Puzzle It Out - Riddles


Camouflage偽裝, Habitat 棲息地, Hide-And-Seek捉迷藏 , Squirrel 松鼠, Hare 野兔, Warn/Warning警告 , Bright 明亮的, Changing Colors變色 , Chameleon變色龍 , Mix混合 , Paint 畫/顏料, Cherry櫻桃 , Stop Sign 停止標誌, Sled 雪橇, Crayons 蠟筆, Carnation Pink 康乃馨粉, Metallic 金屬的, Fluorescent熒光的 , Riddle謎語 , Pond池塘 , Unscramble 解讀

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Level 3

Grade – Upper Elementary

Level - Intermediate Reading/Conversation Skills

Reading longer articles / magazines / short chapter books

Month 1 Issues

Episodes 1-2 – In Space

Episodes 3-4 – It’s a Mystery


Level 3 is for upper elementary school students who are reading longer magazine articles or are starting to read chapter books. The subjects and vocabulary are more mature, suitable for this age range. The focus is on the harder words and phrases that we know many Taiwanese students may not be familiar with at this age. The pace is quicker, and these interesting stories and themes open up the conversation even more. We also welcome Jr. high students to join for some great conversation and fun practice.

Issue 1 - In Space

第一堂 - 文章

  • In Space – Space Words Brainstorm

  • How to Read a Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Welcome to In Space - Introduction Page

  • Space News – News Briefs

  • Moon Legends of the World – Legends

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News Brief 新聞簡報 , Legends 傳奇, Hurricane 暴風驟雨, Astronomer 天文學家, Dwarf 矮人, Dwarf Planet 矮行星, Erupt爆發, Geyser 噴泉, Surface 地表, The Universe 宇宙, Space Dust 太空塵埃, Particles  粒子, Punishment懲罰, Gleaming 閃閃發光, Character 人物, Harvest Festival 中秋節, Get A Glimpse 看一眼, Egg Yolk 蛋黃, Symbolizes象徵著, Native American美洲原住民, Cultures文化, Coyote 郊狼, Trickster騙子, Influence影響 ,Have A Crush On Someone 暗戀某人, Numbers 1,000,000 – 130,000,000,000

第二堂 - 文章

  • Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Attic Alien – Science Fiction

  • A Field Guide to the Planets – Field Guide

  • Out of This World! Space Tourism – Nonfiction

  • Planet Hopping - Poem


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Science Fiction 科幻小說, Field Guide 現場指南, Poem 詩, Attic 閣樓, Alien 外星人, Suede 絨面革, Fringes 流蘇, Dangling 懸空 , Antennae 天線, A. Space Pod 太空艙, Galaxy Hopper 太空船, Control Room 控制室, Neptune 海王星, Degree 度, Celsius 攝氏, Fahrenheit 華氏, Uranus 天王星, Saturn 土星, Jewelry 珠寶, Jupiter 木星, Air Tank 氧氣筒, Mars 火星, Sand Dune 沙丘, Mercury 水星, Venus 金星, Earth 地球, Quarter 四分之一,  Tourism 旅游, Cosmonaut 宇航員, Hefty沉重的, Aeronautics航空學, Reservation 預訂, Orbit 軌道

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Issue 2 - It's a Mystery

第一堂 - 文章

  • Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Welcome to It’s a Mystery - Introduction Page

  • The Mystery of the Shredded Net – Realistic Fiction

  • Be a Good Detective – How-to Article

  • Why the Monsoon Comes Each Year - Folktale

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Mystery 神秘, Realistic Fiction 現實派小說, How-to Article 操作方法,  Folktale 民間傳說, Questions 問題, Wonder 想知道, Know 知道, Shredded 撕碎, Concerned 擔心, Confused 疑惑, Confounded 困惑, Get to the bottom of 揭開 , Litter 弄亂, Detective 偵探, Clues 線索, Ridges 嶺, Pattern 圖案, Scraggly 雜亂, Solve解決, Facts事實, Scene of the Crime犯罪現場, Pretend假裝, Sleep on It 需要時間思考, Monsoon 季風, Vietnam 越南, Emperor 皇帝, Spirit 靈魂, Waves Break 海浪拍打, Flood 淹水, Wash Away 沖刷掉

第二堂 - 文章

  • Table of Contents – Kinds of Articles

  • Follow the Bouncing Lightning Ball – Nonfiction

  • The Oak Island Myster – Nonfiction

  • As I Was Going to St. Ives – Rhyming Riddle

  • Detective Hound - Poem


Rhyming Riddle 押韻謎語, Lightning 閃電, Swiftly 迅速, Thunder 雷聲, Rumbles 隆隆聲, Bolt of Lightning 一道閃電, Fizzing Sound 嘶嘶聲, Bitter Odor 苦味, Comet 彗星, Disbelief 不相信, Phenomenon 現象, Microwave Oven 微波爐, Treasure 寶藏, Pirate 海盜, Layer of Stone石頭層, Clay 黏土, Drill 鑽, Putty 油灰, Ruined 毀了

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